Are Your Goals Heavy Or Light?

Are Your Goals Heavy Or Light?

The start of a year finds most people creating goals in the effort to start the year off right. But before you set your goals, it’s worthwhile asking yourself - are you setting these goals because you want to or because it’s something you think you should be doing? This blog post is all about setting goals that are aligned to your values, and finding a flow state where goals are more effortlessly achieved

Keeping Your Cool in the Christmas Countdown

Keeping Your Cool in the Christmas Countdown

End of 2022 is fast approaching. Without realising it, the weeks leading up to Xmas can fill up with festive events, work deadlines and holiday organisation. All this prepping and planning can take its toll, leaving us feeling more jumbled than jolly. Here’s some tips to replenish and remain resilient as we approach end of year from our very own Elizabeth Alvanos, Psychotherapist

WTF is...Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?

WTF is...Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?

Following on with our mission to crack open some of the mysteries of psychology, today we tackle the well known but seldom understood CBT - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Let us help you navigate some of the key terms, and therapy styles that psychologists here at RewireMe use in their daily work

A Little Life - Explores the Difficulties in Helping a Friend in Crisis

A Little Life - Explores the Difficulties in Helping a Friend in Crisis

Hanya Yanighara’s A Little Life tells a story that no one seems prepared to tell. A story that is much darker, that doesn’t resolve itself simply and easily, but instead tells a complicated tale of a friend in crisis and the way those around him struggle to rise to the challenge they face. Feeling ill-equipped, unprepared and unsure of what to do in response.

Painted Smiles - Joker Pulls Back the Mask on Our Mental Health System

Painted Smiles - Joker Pulls Back the Mask on Our Mental Health System

Phillips’ version of the time-honoured “origin story” in Joker draws our attention to the truth behind mental illness. Telling the story of those who are forced even further into the shadows. A story where the true villain is an ill-equipped and under-resourced mental health system.

Take a Forest Bath - On Us

Take a Forest Bath - On Us

How to Take Your Forest Bath

1. Press play and close your eyes. Let you attention rest on the sound

2. Take a long, slow breath in through the nose, breathing into your lower belly

3. Hold your breath for 1 or 2 seconds

4. Exhale slowly through the mouth

5. Take another breath and settle into your own comfortable breathing rhythm

6. Listen intently, and become fully entwined with the composition. 

Australia Reimagined: Towards A More Compassionate, Less Anxious Society

The reality-check we've been crying out for. In Australia: Reimagined, Mackay is not only asking the big questions about our increasingly anxious society but also, refreshingly, offering some much-needed answers. The one question left unanswered though... what - if anything - can we do about it? Our Rating, 4 Stars

Shit My Therapist Says

My therapist says that we cannot get to the bottom of anything, no matter the issue, without first learning to take care of ourselves in difficult and painful spaces. We must accept our vulnerability and capacity to feel pain. Our goal is never to feel the absence of pain but simply to take really good care of ourselves when we hurt.