
Are Your Goals Heavy Or Light?

Are Your Goals Heavy Or Light?

The start of a year finds most people creating goals in the effort to start the year off right. But before you set your goals, it’s worthwhile asking yourself - are you setting these goals because you want to or because it’s something you think you should be doing? This blog post is all about setting goals that are aligned to your values, and finding a flow state where goals are more effortlessly achieved

Keeping Your Cool in the Christmas Countdown

Keeping Your Cool in the Christmas Countdown

End of 2022 is fast approaching. Without realising it, the weeks leading up to Xmas can fill up with festive events, work deadlines and holiday organisation. All this prepping and planning can take its toll, leaving us feeling more jumbled than jolly. Here’s some tips to replenish and remain resilient as we approach end of year from our very own Elizabeth Alvanos, Psychotherapist