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Keeping Your Cool in the Christmas Countdown

Buy Time

If you know you have a busy few weeks coming up, now’s the time to reflect on ways to buy some time. Perhaps consider:

  • Planning meals ahead of time

  • Treating yourself to a cleaner, just while its super busy!

  • Reaching out to your support network and seeing if you can co-ordinate tasks with them. For example, share grocery or school runs (if you have children)

  • Be VERY selective in what you aim to do. If the task is not essential, consider embracing the practice of simplicity and let it go.

Aim for Balance:

Listen to your body and soothe it using the signals it responds to the most. For example, when you’ve had a day full of events and you go home, your mind knows you are home, safe and ready to unwind – you tell yourself – “it’s time to chill”, however, your body needs more convincing. To remove stress from your body, you need to send the body somatic signals, so your body receives the message that the stress is over. Here are some ways to talk to your body:

  • Eat a cooked nourishing meal. This send a rest-and-digest signal to the body. Try to eat it early, when we eat late, our metabolism kicks into action

  • For a few minutes put your hand on your heart and tummy. Then start breathing low and slow, into your belly

  • If struggling to sleep, take a quick hot shower. This stimulates your body clock in a way that makes you sleepy

  • Reach out to people that make you laugh. Or ask for a strong hug. Social bonding is soothing to the body

  • Move the body. Go for a walk or do some stretches

Practice Boundaries:

I do boundary work with all my clients. I’m always asking my clients to evaluate if their boundaries are too rigid or too porous … if so, how can we think of ways to set healthy boundaries. Perhaps consider:

  • Paying attention to your emotional limits.

  • Are you saying YES to too many people? You may have porous boundaries, which will lead you to feeling depleted and resentful.

  • Say NO sometimes when there is just too much going on. Perhaps post-pone that dinner date with your friend, gently asking to push it out until the new year, where you will have more time and can feel present for that person.

  • Practice self-compassion. Keep telling yourself, I don’t have to do everything now or be everywhere … it’s ok to slow down – your loved ones will understand.

  • Are your boundaries rigid in that you have set some impossible deadlines? Here is where it’s ok to ask for help. Connectivity is what makes us emotionally healthy beings.